Sunday, February 3, 2008


Twilight is a an Island in Second Life. It has an interesting history that predates my birth in Second Life. It is covered better in Adriane Grants blog . I have been a part of Twilight since late March 2007, not long after I was born in Second life. The friends I made there drew me into this wonderful world. They have helped mold my view of virtual worlds. I will talk quite a bit about virtual worlds in future posts.

I started as visitor to Twilight via Thothica SL. (Thothica SL is a complex story all on it's own) I eventually rented a small apartment in the village and got to know the residents and visitors there. It was a tiny place along a canal overlooking a plaza. It was like a small part of venice with a canal just outside my door. I could see Brenda Goodliffe teaching classes from my balcony and the locals hanging out in the evening.

I love to build, so as parcels became available in twilight I rented them and began to build. It was a place to create and learn. I also got to know and love the residents. I learned that even though we are pixels in SL. We are also people with feelings and attachments. We can be happy and full of joy in Second Life and people can be emotionally hurt also. Over the last 9 months my love and visions for Twilight grew along with my love for the wonderful people I have met there.

In December of 2007 Brenda and began to talk about me buying Twilight. At the beginning of January 2008 I bought Twilight from Brenda. I have been expanding a working towards creating a community for creativity, art and education. We will keep Twilight as open and as free as possible to encourage creativity. We will strive for a balance between, residential, commercial, educational and cultural endeavors.

Please come and visit the Twilight, It is still in development but we try to keep the construction in the sandbox until it is close to ready. There is a an art museum, gallery and cathedral and small unique shops. There is also residential and commercial space for rent. ksjje

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